Thursday, March 16, 2017

5 Questions to Decide If You Need a Business Partner

When you write as much as I do you get barraged with people who want to partner with you. Most are hucksters who see that you have a capability that they lack and see the sales potential for it, although they don’t have any customers per se. Others think I have money that I want to invest in a hair-brained scheme with someone I don’t know. These things happen so often that I am reminded of advice given to me many times over the years: don’t have a business partner.

But, I have had business partners and it has worked out well for me, which got me thinking (yes, yes, I know always a dangerous space to be in) about just what it takes to make a business partnership work. So, out of that chemical soup that is my mind comes the following tips on deciding whether or not you should have a business partner (I could write tips on whether or not to have a romantic partner but given my track record in that regard even I wouldn’t follow that advice).